I don’t know about you, Matt, but I just started listening to Warren Zevon for the first time.
Never mind that he released his first record in 1970 and died in 2003. It’s okay to be late to a party that still rages on.
I got the recommendation from an art director called Linds Redding.
Not directly though.
Linds put me onto Zevon through his blog. He began writing it in 2011 and ended it a year later when he died at 52 from inoperable esophageal cancer.
Knowing the disease was making quick work of his insides, Linds left us with as many lessons, cautions, recommendations, and colorful descriptions of hospital food as his failing fingers could bang out.
Among his parting words was this advice …
Make sure your telescope is the right way round.
Looking through the wrong end narrows your view. For Linds, it meant focusing more on work than his family and friends.
In his words …
“I was A.W.L. for most of my marriage and my daughter’s childhood. In retrospect it was an untenable way of life. And selfish. But as I say, it’s amazing what you can get used to. Come to accept it as normal.”
It’s a dangerous routine to fall into. I know I do. Perhaps you do as well.
So, no marketing advice today.
Instead, I’m going to leave you with a LinkedIn post from Cameron Day – creative director, author, friend, and son of advertising legend Guy Day.
(Pinch to zoom or click on the image for better readability.)

Priorities do indeed matter.
See you next time. — Matt
P.S. If you’re interested, you can read Linds Redding’s blog here.