Should you be leveraging direct mail to reach consumers?

Project Supervisor

Cutting through the digital clutter

Over the past few months, as the world has adjusted to a new normal, consumers have been not only living differently, but also thinking and buying differently as well.

If you’re a marketer, then you’re well aware of COVID-19’s impact on your strategic marketing planning. As marketing evolves to accommodate the shift in consumer behavior, it’s interesting to consider trends within more traditional channels, particularly direct mail.

It’s difficult to navigate marketing strategies during times of uncertainty. As many companies have moved to a work-from-home model, significant challenges have arisen for B2B marketers who have typically utilized direct mail to reach prospects at their place of work. However, those targeting consumers may want to consider embracing direct mail as a larger focus of their overall marketing strategy.

Leveraging Direct Mail Marketing During the Pandemic

With more consumers at home during the day, mail-checking habits have changed. For many, grabbing the mail is no longer a game of juggling groceries, children, and keys at the end of a long work day, but rather a moment to step out of the house, take a breath, and get a break from the screens and chaos of work- (and school-) from-home life.

While some may view direct mail marketing as a thing of the past, what we’ve seen thus far during the pandemic proves quite the opposite. Consumers are looking for communication and updates that don’t just appear in their inbox or through mobile alerts. Since digital communication is crucial in any marketing strategy, combining it with a strong direct mail piece is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your message in a crowded digital space.

According to the USPS, marketing mail volume has decreased over the past three months. However, this doesn’t mean that you should reduce your direct mail marketing efforts. Lower volumes in the mailbox means less competition for your message, making this the ideal time to reach both prospective and current customers.

Trends we’re seeing show that in fact some marketers are doubling down on direct mail marketing efforts. As the initial “we are here for you” messaging has grown stale, many companies are pivoting their calls to action to something that the consumer can better relate to in the current environment.

For example, grocers are advertising bundle deals with high-value coupons and promoting grocery delivery services, while office supply stores are targeting those who have shifted to working from home with deals on print cartridges and paper. Further, financial institutions have begun offering better checking account cash offers and credit card interest rates and rewards, and are more heavily promoting online and mobile banking features.

As companies continue to evaluate the best marketing vehicles and messaging to reach their customers, we say, don’t rule out an old standby. The reliability of snail mail may be just what consumers need right now.

With FARM’s more than 30 years of direct mail experience, we can guide you down the right path. Drop us a line! We’d love to have a conversation.

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Project Supervisor
Cindy is an expert in production management, sales, digital printing, and account management. With more than 20 years of experience in direct mail production in the financial and nonprofit arenas, she primarily manages projects for Truist Bank. Overseeing projects from concept to completion, she ensures her clients’ budgets, timelines, and goals stay on track. When she’s not in the office, you can find her catching some live music (her husband is in a band), biking around town, or spending time with her family and pets.

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