Bundle of Energy

How a utility contractor used digital and direct

How a utility

contractor used

digital and direct

marketing to package and sell services to

marketing to package

and sell services to

multifamily property owners

multifamily property


The backstory

When you have multiple features and customer benefits, saying everything at once creates an unfocused message that your audience can’t follow. But when you build a messaging hierarchy that allows a single element to take the lead, you can tell a broader story that compels your customer to act.

Franklin Energy had a lot to say. As the implementation contractor for Consumers Energy in Michigan, they promoted energy efficiency programs that included free audits and assessments, custom rebates for qualifying upgrades, and free direct-install measures. Plus, they were speaking to both commercial and multifamily building owners. So, they needed to pair a single message to their most viable prospect segment to have the best chance of customer conversion.

Agency services:

  • Customer research
  • Direct mail
  • Email and digital marketing
  • Video production
  • Landing page design and development

Tapping into audience needs

After researching multiple commercial audience segments, we found the greatest opportunity to generate business in multifamily property owners. Focusing on Consumers Energy’s custom rebates, we could show how the energy efficiency programs benefit multiple building types like condos, apartment buildings, and mixed-use retail space.


Multichannel engagement

To reach a sub-segment of “high value” customers, we developed an interactive 3D mailer to break through the clutter.

We designed postcards versioned by building type with companion emails to maximize the remaining direct mail investment.

We developed 10 short videos, each one relevant to a specific audience segment to drive response. Videos were repurposed for social media, follow-up email campaigns, and program presentations.

All communications drove to a landing page where visitors could take a virtual tour based on their building type. Property owners and managers explored how the program could benefit them and reinforced how easy it was to get started with a free energy assessment.

Packaging the message

You don’t sell products. You sell outcomes. So, we began our message by highlighting how energy upgrades add value to the property. Then, to make custom rebates the focus, we listed all the service areas eligible for cash incentives, from lighting upgrades to new furnace installations to more efficient windows and more. This allowed Consumers Energy to showcase the breadth of their impact while keeping the story simple.

So, how’d we do?

Franklin Energy and Consumers Energy saw a significant uptick in program inquires through their lead management system. These respondents were better informed on program benefits compared to cold leads, asking about specific program elements featured in our communications, proving the campaign successful.

The funnel, the pipeline, the

The funnel, the

pipeline, the hopper-no

hopper—no matter what you call it,

matter what you call

it, we’ll provide the

we’ll provide the care and feeding,

care and feeding, so

so you never call it empty.

you never call it


  • Audience segmentation
  • Demand generation strategy
  • Digital and traditional direct marketing
  • Omnichannel campaigns
  • Marketing automation
  • Campaign optimization and reporting

Do you have a great story to tell,

Do you have a great

story to tell, but

but your audience isn’t exactly

your audience isn’t

exactly perched on the

perched on the edge of their seats?

edge of their seats? 

Stick with us and you

Stick with us and you may end up

may end up needing

extra chairs.

needing extra chairs.

  • Public relations
  • Content marketing
  • Video production
  • Organic and paid social strategy and execution
  • Experiential marketing

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