Suite Dreams

How we used data targeting, persona

How we used data

targeting, persona

profiling, and reporting to determine

profiling, and

reporting to determine

the go-to-market strategy for a suite of

the go-to-market

strategy for a suite of

automotive dealership software solutions.

automotive dealership

software solutions.

The backstory

No successful marketing decision has ever been made on a hunch. It takes knowledge to move forward with confidence. So you can always speak from a position of strength rather than wonder. 

Xtime, a Cox Automotive company, was primarily known to automotive dealers as a tool for service appointment scheduling. But dealers’ ability to influence customer retention extended across the entire spectrum of the service experience, from the initial outreach to the final vehicle delivery. 

And Xtime wanted in. 

So, while they began developing plans to launch a service retention solution that integrated scheduling with three other offerings, they wanted to know the market’s appetite for a full suite of products to best position their comprehensive offering. 

Agency services:

  • Strategic Marcom Planning
  • Product launch
  • Branding research
  • Building market awareness
  • Brand evolution strategy and execution

Agency services:

  • Strategic Marcom Planning
  • Product launch
  • Branding research
  • Building market awareness
  • Brand evolution strategy and execution

Mining for insights

Conducting focus groups across the United States to document and study dealers’ perceptions, attitudes, and desires, we gathered the foundational knowledge to begin shaping Xtime’s go-to-market strategy. 

Specifically, we used a statistical method called cluster analysis to produce market-informed personas cultivated directly from the quantitative data set. The resulting seven dealer personas included firmographic and psychographic data and a “fit” score based on their views of customer retention software from both Xtime and competitive products. 

Stealth communication deployment

Stealth communication


Once Xtime updated their prospect list in Salesforce CRM with the new profile data, their sales staff was immediately able to enhance their lead nurturing efforts by deploying relevance-driven communications to convey the specific value that Xtime Spectrum™—a product we named and branded—could deliver to dealers. The information was also used to sharpen messaging in advertising and digital marketing campaigns. 

Market opportunities

The market opportunity insights we unearthed have helped define the best product scaling potential with newly formed audience segments. Our findings have also cemented a research-informed view that Cox Automotive uses across products to drive business strategy, product development, and marketing execution.  This includes knowledge of:

  • All viable market segments with size estimation and penetration percentages as well as determined attractiveness for each segment
  • Current solution footprint
  • Propensity-to-buy percentages
  • Best cross-sell opportunities
  • Best up-sell opportunities

So, how'd we do?

“The market opportunity insights FARM unearthed have helped

“The market opportunity

insights FARM unearthed

have helped define the

define the best product scaling potential …”

best product scaling

potential …”

“The market opportunity insights FARM unearthed have helped define the best product scaling potential with newly formed audience segments. Their findings have also cemented a research-informed view that Cox Automotive used across products to drive business strategy, product development, and marketing execution.”

- Jim Roche
Senior Vice President of Marketing, Xtime

Imagine the playground torments and

Imagine the playground

torments and missed

missed high-school dances our data

high-school dances our

data scientists had to

scientists had to endure–all

endure–all so you can

be the big cheese at

so you can be the big cheese at the

the reunion. Now can

we have our

reunion. Now can we have our 

lunch money back?

  • Awareness, attitudes, and usage research
  • Market segmentation
  • Competitive analysis and insights
  • Branding research
  • Product, pricing, and user experience research
  • Concept testing
  • Customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement

Mike Tyson said, “Everybody has a plan

Mike Tyson said, 

“Everybody has a plan

until they get punched in the mouth.”

until they get punched

in the mouth.”  So,

So, let’s protect your choppers and

let’s protect your

choppers and knock your

knock your competition to the

competition to the

canvas instead.

  • Strategic Marcom planning
  • Product launches / Go-to-market strategy
  • Customer experience development
  • Identifying market opportunities
  • Customer acquisition and retention

Our Take

Nobody likes to hear people squawk about marketing. So, we wrote it all down for you.

How AI tools transform qualitative insights

FARM uses AI-powered research tools to transform qualitative insights. By enabling real-time interviews at scale, we reach broader audiences, capture richer responses, and preserve key nuances through audio and video. This innovative approach helps clients make faster, data-driven decisions, to drive success in today’s competitive market.

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How AI tools transform qualitative insights

FARM uses AI-powered research tools to transform qualitative insights. By enabling real-time interviews at scale, we reach broader audiences, capture richer responses, and preserve key nuances through audio and video. This innovative approach helps clients make faster, data-driven decisions, to drive success in today’s competitive market.

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